The government plans to introduce harsher penalties against drug offenders in Bulgaria – watch our movie and sign the petition!
Budapest at the edge of an HIV explosion?
Harm reduction centres in Budapest are running out of supplies, posing the threat of an HIV epidemic.
The Golden Mean of Drug Policy?
The US drug czar claims his government is paving the way to a progressive, innovative and science-based drug policy – watch our video featuring his speech and read our blog!
Free Pussy Riot
Watch our movie on Pussy Riot, a Russian punk band whose members face up to three years of imprisonment – and take action now!
Pharma Greed Kills
Activists at the International AIDS Conference disrupt a session sponsored by the pharmaceutical giant, Roche – why did they take action? Watch the HCLU’s movie and learn more!
Michel Kazatchkine: The Drug War Fuels the AIDS Epidemic
Without respect of the human right of people who use drugs we cannot fight the HIV/AIDS epidemic – watch our video featuring Michel Kazatchkine’s speech!
The Canadian Minister of Health Fears of Evidence
Canadian activists disrupt the speech of the Health Minister of Canada, who refuses to accept the evidence that harm reduction works – watch our new video!
We Can End AIDS – March in Washington DC
Activists marched to the White House demanding greater access to HIV treatment and prevention – we asked them what are the major barriers, watch and share our video!
Stephen Lewis: How to Fights AIDS by Ending the Drug War
A devastating criticism of the failed war on drugs by Steve Lewis – a must see!
Activists Interrupt Press Conference at AIDS 2012
Drug users and sex workers feel betrayed by the organizers of AIDS 2012 – watch the video messages of drug users who could not attend the conference!