This movie follows Sithu Min Than, a young man from Kachin State in Myanmar, struggling to recover with the help of opiate substitution treatment.
OD Buster – Digitally Empowering the Response to Opioid Overdose
The Stop Overdose Now Foundation is developing a suite of mobile tools to digitally empower the response to the opioid overdose epidemic. It’s core application is OD Buster, a community based overdose response networking app.
Mudjilali Men’s Group – Australian Indigenous Peer Support for harm reduction
This movie, screened at the International Harm Reduction Film Festival in Porto, depicts how a peer support worker, Colin, works with Aboriginal men in a remote Australian location.
Overdose – Situation in Montenegro
This short movie, produced by a member of our video advocacy network, gives an insight into overdose prevention in a small Southern-Eastern European country, Montenegro.
Manju – A Short Film on Women Who Use Drugs in India
In Delhi, under the skin of the city, there is a hidden population of women who inject drugs. A movie directed by a member of our video advocacy network, Mehrdad Qafarian.
Crackdown on Civil Society – The Movie
This film – produced by the Rights Reporter Foundation, supported by AFEW International – features activists and civil society organisations who are being increasingly targeted by repressive governments in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. The movie presents a story of oppression, resistance and survival seen through the eyes of human rights defenders. They dedicated their lives to support the human rights of some of the most stigmatized and criminalised groups in Eastern Europe and Central Asia to be able to access health services.
Uncovering the Hidden Harm Reduction Stories – Video Advocacy Training in Asia
The Rights Reporter Foundation, with the support of the International Drug Policy Consortium and the Robert Carr Civil Society Networks Fund (RCNF), organised Video Advocacy Training in Bangkok, Thailand. Learn about the training through the participants’ own words.
Petr’s Journey
A new movie produced by the alumni of our video training, tells the story of Petr, a 50 years old man from Prague, who lost his leg, his has no home, no job – but his has now hope to change his life with the help of opiate substitution treatment.
2019 International Harm Reduction Conference in Porto – All the Videos
We filmed the largest international harm reduction gathering to give you an insight on what is happening with this movement around the world.
The Brazilian Harm Reduction Community Is Calling for Help
The renewed commitment to the war on drugs approach of president Bolsonaro is threatening the achievements of the Brazilian harm reduction movement. Watch our videos!