Η ανταλλαγή εξοπλισμού συριγγών από άτομα που χρησιμοποιούν φάρμακα οδηγεί σε λοιμώξεις, όπως Ηπατίτιδα C ή HIV. Οι σύριγγες που αφήνονται στους δρόμους δεν είναι ευπρόσδεκτες από τους ανθρώπους που ζουν στην περιοχή. Η λύση δεν βρίσκεται στα χέρια της αστυνομίας – η σύλληψη ατόμων που χρησιμοποιούν ουσίες δεν μειώνει τον αριθμό των χρηστών, αλλά τους εξωθεί να κα΄νουν χρήση με πιο ριψοκίνδυνους τρόπους, και να ξεφορτωθούν τις βελόνες τους όσο το δυνατόν πιο γρήγορα. Οι πιο παλιοί τρόποι καταπολέμησης των προβλημάτων των ναρκωτικών δεν έχουν αποτέλεσμα. Αυτή είναι μια καμπάνια προκειμένου να βρεθούν νέες λύσεις – να δοθεί χώρος για αλλαγές.
We Need Room for Change!
Drugreporter, in cooperation with seven other NGOs, proudly presents the new international campaign Room for Change—because we need to change the way we respond to urban drug problems.
Room for Change – Пространство за промяна
Размянята на консумативи за инжектиране сред хората, които използват наркотици, крие рискове от заравяване с кръвнопреносими инфекции, като хепатит С и ХИВ. На използваните игли и спринцовки, изхвърлени по улиците, се гледа с много лошо око от хората, живеещи в района. Разрешаването на този проблем не зависи от полицията. Арестите на хората, които употребяват наркотици, не намаляват броя на употребяващите, но ги принуждават да приемат по по-рискови начини и да изхвърлят инструментите си възможно най-бързо. Старите методи за борба с проблемите с наркотиците не работят. Тази кампания намира ново разрешение на проблема – предоставяне на стаи за консумация.
ATHEN’S WAY – Struggle For a Drug Consumption Room
Our video about the adventures of the drug consumption room in Athens. Made for the Room for Change and Support Don’t Punish Campaigns.
Fight HIV, Not Drug Users!
A new movie by Dhojo Wahengbam on the severe rights violations committed against people who use drugs in Manipur.
Video Report of the UN Drug Debate
This March, our video advocacy team attended the 58th session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs, the largest drug policy gathering in the world, to find out how governments and NGOs feel about the prospects of drug policy reform. We produced a series of short thematic videos, to give you an overview of the current state of political debate on the burning issues of international drug control.
Second Needle and Syringe Program Shut Down in Budapest
It is a dark time for harm reduction in Hungary: another life-saving service has fallen victim to political paranoia.
Drugreporter Annual Report 2014
Films about drug policy reform from New Zealand to Europe, video advocacy trainings, conferences, reports and campaigns about harm reduction, consultation with decision makers at the national and European level – the Drugreporter Team had a very active year in 2014. Please read & download our colorful 2014 Annual Report and learn more!
Coffee Shops and Compromise: The Success of the Dutch Model
In 1976, the Netherlands separated the cannabis market from the market in other illicit drugs, and allowed coffee shops to sell small amounts of cannabis to adults in a controlled environment. Our new movie, supplementing the report of the Open Society Foundation, tells the story of the Dutch model and highlights its successes, as well as the challenges ahead of it.
Harm Reduction: Need for Political Leadership
At the national harm reduction conference in Budapest, presenters from Greece, Romania and Hungary reported that there are similar problems and challenges in relation to injecting drug use in Southern-Central Europe, but there are huge differences between government responses. Lack of political leadership is leading to growing HIV and hepatitis C infections among drug users all over the region.