Dear Friend of Drugreporter!
The new year has brought significant and positive changes in the life of Drugreporter: having originated with the Hungarian Civil Liberties Union (HCLU, we are continuing our work as part of a new NGO, the Rights Reporter Foundation (RRF). The Drugreporter brand, website and video equipment now belong to the RRF. This change will allow us to devote greater time and energy to improving our work towards international drug policy reform and harm reduction – more videos, more stories and more training.
Please have a look at our brand new website, where you can read more about the organisation! Our fund raising website is on Global Giving is still active, please support us with a donation!
I am glad to inform you that two new activists joined the Drugreporter crew in January – Igor Kouzmenko and Alexey Kurmanevsky, drug user activists and alumni of our video advocacy training, who will enrich our website with a Russian language video blog, the DrugUserNews.
We are happy to announce a new column on Drugreporter, the „Dose of Science”. This new blog aims to educate the public about drug science. Every month, the summary of a peer-reviewed scientific paper will be presented.
Governments are not only shying away from reforming global drug policy, but failing to even mention harm reduction in the first draft of the UNGASS outcome document. Civil society must stand up for harm reduction!
Inside Luxembourg’s drug consumption room – read the story of our guest author about drug policies in one of the smallest but most interesting countries of Europe.
Yours Sincerely,
Peter Sarosi
Executive Director
Rights Reporter Foundation
Executive Director
Rights Reporter Foundation