The mass detention and forced treatment of people who use drugs in Afghanistan reminds us of the darkest periods of history.
TAKING BACK WHAT’S OURS! – An Oral History of the Movement of People who Use Drugs | All the 10 episodes in one place!
The Rights Reporter Foundation (Drugreporter) and the International Network of People who use Drugs (INPUD) produced this documentary film series that aims to document how the movement of people who use drugs have formed around the world, how they maintain momentum and mobilise, and how they undertake their work and show resilience in a context of criminalisation, marginalisation and oppression. This is the main summary page of all the 10 episodes.
TAKING BACK WHAT’S OURS! – Episode 8. Afghanistan, Tanzania and Mexico
In this episode of the oral history of the movement of people who use drugs, we introduce three countries with new and emerging user movements: Afghanistan, Tanzania, and Mexico.
The Drug War Undermines Security and Development – COUNT THE COSTS SERIES
Please watch and share the latest of our Count the Costs campaign movie serials!
The Human Rights Costs of the War on Drugs – COUNT THE COSTS SERIES
Watch and share our movie to raise awareness on the human rights consequences of the global war on drugs! Read more >>
Count the Costs with Former Presidents!
There is no consistency in our policies on drugs – says Ruth Dreifuss, the former president of the Swiss Federation