Despite criminalisation, torturous forced labour camps, capital punishment, and state sanctioned murder of people who use drugs, the movement of people who use drugs in Asia remains strong and resilient. Watch the new episode of our series telling the oral history of the movement of people who use drugs in Asian countries!
Towards Humane Drug Policies in Asia
A report from a drug policy conference in Macau, where we visited a high-tech methadone clinic, a drop-in centre, and interviewed many brave Asian activists who are working on reducing the harms of drug use and drug laws.
Watch our video interview with the man who discovered Mephedrone, the drug also known as Meow-Meow!
HCLU wins two first prizes in the 2012 Web Video Contest of Kreatív Magazin
Our video “The Human Rights Costs of the War on Drugs” has won first prize for best online video series. Our Hungarian language animated promotional video won first prize in the ‘PR video’ category
The Human Rights Costs of the War on Drugs – COUNT THE COSTS SERIES
Watch and share our movie to raise awareness on the human rights consequences of the global war on drugs! Read more >>
Count the Costs with Former Presidents!
There is no consistency in our policies on drugs – says Ruth Dreifuss, the former president of the Swiss Federation
Abuse in the Name of Treatment – Drug Detention Centers in Asia
The HCLU’s new movie features forced drug detention centers in Asia