The Hungarian Civil Liberties Union (HCLU) is a law reform and legal defence public interest NGO in Hungary, working independently of political parties, the state or any if its institutions. HCLU’s aim is to promote the case of fundamental rights and principles laid down by the Constitution of the Republic of Hungary and by international conventions. Generally it has the goal of building and strengthening the civil society and rule of law in Hungary and the CEE region. Since HCLU is an independent non-profit organization the financial resources are largely provided by foundations and more and more likely by individuals.
The members and supporters of the HCLU
The highest body of the HCLU is the General Assembly. The general meeting selects the members of the Executive Committee. The members of the Executive Committee administer the daily work of HCLU, they elect the President the Union, and they may recommend for the General Assembly the adoption of new members. The members of the Executive Committee and the permanent staff of HCLU carry the daily affairs of HCLU. They discharge the publicly announced services, and they formulate HCLU position on key issues of legal policy.
A Board of Advisors assists the work of the Executive Committee. The Board consists of renowned jurists, lawyers and physicians with whom we have evolved daily working relations. It is the duty of the Board of Supervisors – whose members are elected by the General Assembly – to supervise the activities and financial operation of the Executive Committee.
Public poll results on attitudes to drug policy