Drug Consumption Rooms are safe spaces where people can use drugs under hygienic conditions, with support, and without fear of violence or legal repercussions. Today, more than 140 legally-sanctioned DCRs operate in 11 European countries, as well as in Australia, Canada, Mexico and the USA. Join us on a global video tour to discover why they were established, how they support their local communities and how these life-saving harm reduction facilities have evolved over time.
Drugreporter Documentaries
We have been producing documentary films about drug policy reform and harm reduction advocacy since 2007.
Abandonded – Designer Drugs on the Margins of Hungarian Society
How does the use of new psychoactive substances, such as “herbal” or “crystal”, affect the Hungarian countryside and cities in 2024? How does Hungarian society treat the users of these drugs? Drug users, ex-dealers, the mayor, helpers and experts answer these questions in a new documentary by Drugreporter.
Ireland’s Health Led Approach to Drugs Use
Tony Duffin is the CEO of Ana Liffey Drug Project. Established in 1982, Ana Liffey was Ireland’s first service founded on the principles of Harm Reduction. Tony, who has spent decades at the front line of Irelands burgeoning drug problem, has long advocated for progressive and evidence-informed responses to drugs use. Here Tony provides Drug Reporter with a brief reflection on Ireland’s Citizens’ Assembly on Drugs Use. In June 2023, Drugreporter visited Dublin where they interviewed key experts about Ireland’s drug policy developments. You can find a link to the film below!
Mind Altering Science
We proudly present our movie featuring interviews with key researchers from the forefront of psychedelic science, filmed at the Interdisciplinary Conference on Psychedelic Research in Haarlem, the Netherlands.
Putting People First
In our new movie, Drugreporter gives you a snapshot of the state of drug policy in Africa.
A Celebration of Scotland’s Indigenous Apothecary
Drugreporter produced a new documentary, titled “Psychedelics in Scotland” on the struggle to liberate psychedelic medicine in Scotland. In the film, people with lived experience provide testimony on the healing powers of psychedelic drugs. We produced additional films as well at the 3 day long event on cannabis and psilocybin mushrooms, as well as other healing plants indigenous to Scotland.
Fixpunkt Berlin: Supporting People Who Use Drugs in Berlin
A harm reduction organisation is on the frontline of helping those marginalised people who use cocaine and heroin on the streets – Read our report from Berlin and watch our short film about the drug consumption van by Fixpunkt!
Decriminalisation in Portugal: Through the Lens of People who Use Drugs
In this short film we summarise what the community of people who use drugs in Portugal acknowledges about the famous drug policy model of Portugal, but also what they would like to see improved.
Harm Reduction in Athens – With the Eye of an Outsider
Seven years after our last visit, we returned to Athens to film about harm reduction in Greece, with a special focus on the first drug consumption room. Read our article and watch the movie we produced!
THE BLACK INITIATIVE: Fighting Brazil’s Racist Drug War
The war on drugs is an instrument of racism, which incites violence and hinders democratic development in Brazil. Watch our new short documentary to find out how a black civil society organization in Brazil, Iniciativa Negra, takes up the fight against this war on people.