Dear Friend of Drugreporter!
After a long gestation, the UN drug reform experiment suffered a miscarriage. It seems the UN is not the catalyst of change but its mirror. Reformers can learn many lessons – but can also be proud of their achievements. The Drugreporter filming team produced a video report from this event, please watch and share it!
More news from Drugreporter:
The UN General Assembly Special Session on Drugs (UNGASS) adopted the outcome document without a debate, right before the real discussion could have started.
Reverend Barber: „What If You Locked Up Your Deliverer, America?”
A powerful speech about the intricate relationships among racial injustice, civil rights, mass incarceration, felony disenfranchisement and the war on drugs in the United States. Reverend William Barber is a Protestant minister from North-Carolina, he has been fighting in the front lines of the voting rights movement following the footsteps of Rosa Parker and Martin Luther King Jr.. He led the „Moral Mondays” protests. He delivered this speech at the Abbessinian Baptist Church, one of the oldest baptist churches in New York City on the occasion of the interfaith session on drug policies ahead of the UNGASS. It is worth spending time on watching it!
A powerful speech about the intricate relationships among racial injustice, civil rights, mass incarceration, felony disenfranchisement and the war on drugs in the United States. Reverend William Barber is a Protestant minister from North-Carolina, he has been fighting in the front lines of the voting rights movement following the footsteps of Rosa Parker and Martin Luther King Jr.. He led the „Moral Mondays” protests. He delivered this speech at the Abbessinian Baptist Church, one of the oldest baptist churches in New York City on the occasion of the interfaith session on drug policies ahead of the UNGASS. It is worth spending time on watching it!
Hundreds of drug reformers gathered at the „Drug War is Race War” event, organised at Columbia University on Sunday, to discuss how repressive drug policies affect the lives of communities of colour. Watch our videos!
The Drugreporter website and video database is operated by a small team of activists who are not funded by any governments. If you like our videos please make a donation today and help us to continue our work!
Yours Sincerely,
Peter Sarosi
Executive Director
Rights Reporter Foundation
Executive Director
Rights Reporter Foundation