CORE – COmmunity REsponse to End Inequalities aims to reduce inequalities in the HIV, TB and viral hepatitis responses by promoting, strengthening and integrating community responses that have proven key in reaching communities that have been traditionally underserved by mainstream prevention and healthcare services. Watch the introduction video by Drugreporter!
Stop Blaming Cocaine Users for the Harms of Bad Drug Policies
The EU Home Affairs Commissioner Ylva Johansson accused cocaine users of being responsible for the death of an 11 year old girl who was caught in a shooting by drug traffickers. But the real culprit is the current drug control system that maximises harm by sweeping cocaine under the rug.
The Right to Sit at the Table – The Civil Society Forum on Drugs
We are glad to present our new movie on why is it important to involve civil society in drug policy decision making, featuring the members of the EU’s Civil Society Forum on Drugs!
Unhappy Birthdays: Anniversaries of Drug Laws in Belgium and the UK | Drugreporter Café | S01E06
What can we learn from the failures of repressive drug laws? How can we convince the people that they are failed? What are the alternatives of punitive drug policies? A group of NGOs launched a campaign to mark the 50th anniversary of the Misuse of Drugs Act in the UK – and the 100th anniversary of the drug law in Belgium. We discuss lessons learnt with Ester Kincova from Transform and Stéphane Leclercq from Fedito Brussels.
Between Waves: Update on the COVID-19 and Harm Reduction Situation in Europe
An update about how access to harm reduction programs changed in European cities after the lockdown measures were lifted between the first and second waves of the COVID-19 epidemic.
Peer2Peer – Reinforcing Peers’ Involvement in Outreach Work
Who are peers? Why is the involvement of peers crucial in service provision to people who use drugs and are in need? This short movie documents a study visit to Amsterdam and Antwerp, two cities with a long history of peer involvement.
TAKING BACK WHAT’S OURS! – An Oral History of the Movement of People who Use Drugs | All the 10 episodes in one place!
The Rights Reporter Foundation (Drugreporter) and the International Network of People who use Drugs (INPUD) produced this documentary film series that aims to document how the movement of people who use drugs have formed around the world, how they maintain momentum and mobilise, and how they undertake their work and show resilience in a context of criminalisation, marginalisation and oppression. This is the main summary page of all the 10 episodes.
TAKING BACK WHAT’S OURS! – Episode 1. The Netherlands, Belgium and France
Drugreporter and INPUD presents the first episode of a 10 chapter long series documenting how people who use drugs around the world have organised and formed collectives and unions to protect and defend the health and human rights of their community. The first episode uncovers he history of the movement in the Netherlands, and how it inspired activists in Belgium and France.
Harm Reduction Responses to COVID-19 in Europe: Regularly Updated Infopage
On this info page Drugreporter provides regular updates about resources and news on how harm reduction service providers respond to the COVID-19 Epidemic.
The Big Legal High Boom – And It’s Consequences
Videos of a conference organised by Drugreporter at the European Parliament on new psychoative substances.