An interview with Anton Basenko, chair of the Ukrainian Network of People Who Use Drugs
The Russian aggression against Ukraine causes tremendous suffering for the Ukrainian people in general – and especially for vulnerable groups with special needs, such as people who use drugs. In this video interview Anton Basenko explains how their communities struggle to survive, how brave harm reduction workers save lives amid destruction of the war and how people in other countries can help them.
Please support Ukraine – we give you a few links where you can make a donation:
“Support to Ukraine” by the Eurasian Harm Reduction Association
Ukrainian Network of People Living with HIV (Network 100% LIFE)
Ukrainian Network of People who Use Drugs (PUD.UA / VOLNA)
(Or support can be sent directly to Oleg Dymarestkii (Director of the Network) via Western Union. But if you use this way, please send to the number of the transfer; the country from where transfer has been sent; the name of the sender; the currency of the transfer; the amount of the transfer.)
Ukrainian Network of Women who Use Drugs (UNWUD)
National Sex Workers Network – Legalife-Ukraine
Ukrainian National organisation of the Men having Sex with Men and other Gay Men ‘Alliance.Global’
Ukrainian National organisation of Transgender People ‘Cohort’
International Charitable Foundation ‘Alliance for Public Health’ (leading Ukrainian civil society organisation covering more than 300,000 key populations with HIV, TB and VH services and treatment on daily basis and advocating their needs and and rights, accumulating funds for centralized support of all communities.)
Also available in podcast format:
Interview: Péter Sárosi
Video: István Gábor Takács