Drug users and sex workers feel betrayed by the organizers of AIDS 2012 – watch the video messages of drug users who could not attend the conference!
International AIDS Conferences
Broken Promises Kill – Fully Fund the Global Fund!
Drugreporter’s new film on the Global Fund crisis. Activists from all over the world talk about the funding crisis of the Global Fund: how prevention and treatment services in countries that will not be eligible are at danger and how donor countries are trying to cut back funding.
Bill Clinton calls for harm reduction
A short video from the AIDS 2010 conference in which Bill Clinton, former president if the USA speaks out for harm reduction
March for Human Rights in Vienna at AIDS 2010
20 thousand people marched for human rights at the 18th AIDS conference in Vienna.
Anya Sarang on HIV, Drug Policy and Harm Reduction
Anya Sarang criticizes Russia’s drug policy at the International AIDS Conference