Dagmar Hedrich is a leading researcher of the European Monitoring Centre on Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA), a Lisbon based, de-centralized agency of the European Union responsible for data collection and analysis on drug use and drug policies.
Drug Consumption Rooms
Eberhard Schatz – about Dutch consumption rooms
Eberhard Schatz is the head of an Amsterdam-based harm reduction NGO, AMOC, which operates a drop-in and consumption room for injecting drug users with foreign nationality. According to the European Monitoring Centre on Drugs and Drug Addiction, consumption rooms can successfully reduce drug related harms, especially drug overdoses and HIV infections.
Dagmar Hedrich – Study on Consumption Rooms
Dagmar Hedrich is a leading researcher of the European Monitoring Centre on Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA), a Lisbon based, de-centralized agency of the European Union responsible for data collection and analysis on drug use and drug policies. She was the head of a team conducting a study on the effectiveness of consumption rooms.
Eberhard Schatz – about Dutch consumption rooms
Eberhard Schatz is the head of an Amsterdam-based harm reduction NGO, AMOC, which operates a drop-in and consumption room for injecting drug users with foreign nationality. According to the European Monitoring Centre on Drugs and Drug Addiction, consumption rooms can succesfully reduce drug related harms, especially drug overdoses and HIV infections.
Konsumraum Nidda 49
Az ártalomcsökkentés frankfurti példája.
Konsumraum Nidda 49 – The Frankfurt Example of Harm Reduction II.
Interview with Josch Steinmetz, the project manager of the largest safe consumption room in Frankfurt. The interview has been bupblished in the Addictologia Hungarica.