A rendőrség a lefoglalt zöld növényi törmelékben a speed hatóanyagát vélte felfedezni
Portugal’s harm reduction services are in danger
More and more harm reduction projects are preparing for the possibility of having to shut down because of the uncertainty on the future
Civil Society Forum on Harm Reduction in Portugal
Last time, we reported that Portugal is facing a very difficult situation due to the economic and financial crisis. The government claims that austerity measures must be introduced because of the international commitments of the country, and as a consequence, funding for harm reduction services has been cut back significantly. Although funding is still a huge problem (mostly because payments are late and NGOs are forced to close projects), the strong and coordinated advocacy efforts of civil society organizations seem to be bearing fruit.
Marijuana in the Bulgarian Parliament – protest against imprisonment sentence
A unique protest action took place in the Bulgarian Parliament last week against a disproportional sentence – a report from Sofia
The Economic Crisis is a Danger for Harm Reduction in Portugal
Portugal is well known for its progressive drug policy – but the economic crisis may undermine effective harm reduction services in the country. Read a short report from our Portugese partner, APDES, and learn how NGOs fight to keep harm reduction on the agenda!
Comparing Drug Policies in the Czech Republic and Romania
On November 28 – 29, 2011, the Czech Centre in Bucharest was the host of a two days conference as part of our EDPI project – read the report of our Romanian partner, Valentin Simionov and a Czech researcher, Vendula Běláčková
Civil Society Forum on Drugs to Help the Commission to Draft a New EU Drug Strategy
Prohibitionist and harm reduction NGOs cooperate to make recommendations to governments on EU drug policies – a report by the HCLU
Street Action in Bulgaria: Count the Costs!
Initiative for Health, a harm reduction NGO, organized the first street action in Bulgaria to promote drug policy reform. The event was part of a coordinated international advocacy campaign of the European Drug Policy Initiative – please read the report of our Bulgarian partner!
Drug criminalization procedures simplified in Romania
On December 5, 2011, the Romanian Government issued a new Emergency Ordinance (GED) which amends the current legislation on drugs. More specifically, the new provision simplifies the procedures for amending the lists with controlled substances: from now on it will be easier to criminalize a new substance, once identified.
Successful Drug Policy Reform Advocacy in Poland
Drug policy reform is possible in countries with conservative public attitudes and repressive policies…