How much does the general public actually know about psychoactive substances and how these are used in their own communities? To check it out for themselves, NoBox went to two known universities in the Philippines and asked young university students questions about drugs and the people involved with them.
TAKING BACK WHAT’S OURS! – An Oral History of the Movement of People who Use Drugs | All the 10 episodes in one place!
The Rights Reporter Foundation (Drugreporter) and the International Network of People who use Drugs (INPUD) produced this documentary film series that aims to document how the movement of people who use drugs have formed around the world, how they maintain momentum and mobilise, and how they undertake their work and show resilience in a context of criminalisation, marginalisation and oppression. This is the main summary page of all the 10 episodes.
“Duterte Ordered to Have Me Killed” – Interview with Senator Trillanes
More than 12.000 of people, mostly urban poor, have been murdered in the Philippines since President Duterte took office in 2016. But why is the drug war so important to Duterte? Do the people support his policies? What is the role of the church? Is international pressure effective in preventing the death of more people? We interviewed Senator Antonio Trillanes, an opposition politician at the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs to answer these questions.