At this side event at the 64th Session of the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) international experts discussed the human rights impact of drug policies in Europe – watch the video recordings!
Since the 2016 UNGASS on drugs, much more visibility than ever before has been given to the need to ground drug policies and interventions in human rights principles. Europe has been a leader in this regard, pushing for a strong human rights agenda at both regional and international levels. The European Union (EU) has been among the strongest voices in support of the UNGASS Outcome Document since 2016 and of the UN System Common Position on drug-related matters. The EU recently adopted a new Drugs Strategy for the period 2021-25, which has a human rights focus. The Council of Europe has just adopted a resolution on human rights-focused drug policies, while the Pompidou Group is aiming to give more prominence to human rights within its work. In the meantime, the 45 members of the EU Civil Society Forum on Drugs have promoted the need for drug policies and interventions grounded in human rights at national, regional and global levels. This side event will be an opportunity to discuss these developments from a civil society and policy makers’ perspective.
The script of the event can be read at the CND blog, thanks Juan Fernandez Ochoa!
The event was organised and recorded by the Association Proyecto Hombre with the support of the European Union, Portugal, Spain, theCouncil of Europe and the European Union Civil Society Forum on Drugs.