We call for applications to the 10 Years of Global Drug War scholarship for journalists – DEADLINE EXTENDED to MARCH 9!
Call for Applications
The Hungarian Civil Liberties Union (HCLU) is now calling for applications to the 10 Years of Global Drug War scholarship for journalists to travel to Vienna, attend a high level UN meeting on drug policy and publish a report in their home country. This scholarship is part of our campaign to raise media awareness on the consequences of global drug control efforts.
Background: about the global drug war
The UN General Assembly Special Session on Drugs (UNGASS) gathered in New York to discuss the future directions of global drug policies in 1998. The meeting was dominated by the slogan “A drug free world: we can do it!” and, accordingly, the target adopted was to significantly reduce the demand and supply of illicit drugs within 10 years. Ten years later we can see that member states have failed to achieve these targets, for example: despite massive forced eradication campaigns against farmers, cocaine production has increased by 20% and opium production has increased by 120% in the past decade; and despite restrictive drug laws, in most countries the prevalence of illicit drug use is on the rise. UN drug policies draw harsh criticism from civil society for their unintended consequences: civil wars and organized crime generated by the illegality of drugs, humanitarian and ecological crisis caused by forced eradication, the spread of blood born viruses such as HIV and Hepatitis C due to the lack of support for harm reduction, violation of human rights of drug users in forced drug treatment settings, etc.
On 11-12 March, 2009 the UN will hold a High Level Segment – a meeting of high ranking government officials in Vienna to review the past 10 years of global drug control efforts and to adopt a new Political Declaration for the future decade. We think it has an utmost importance with regard to future drug policies that the media cover these events and hold governments accountable.
A lot of civil society organizations will also organize press conferences and other public events at the same time to express their dissatisfaction with recent drug control policies – probably also some actions in front of the Vienna International Center.
Who is eligible?
All journalist based in the European Union are eligible for the scholarship. Applicants should prove the following:
• A letter of assignment on official letterhead of a media organization from the Publisher/Editor or Bureau Chief. It should specify the name and functional title of the journalist and the period of coverage at the United Nations in Vienna (that is, 11-12 March, 2009, the High Level Segment on drug policy).
• A valid press card (national or international)
• Print media representatives may be required to submit copies of two recent issues of their publication.
• Online media are required to provide a record of writing on international issues.
• Independent production companies are required to provide a letter from their broadcast organization.
These are also the criteria to register to the Vienna International Centre (VIC), where the UN conference on drugs will take place.
Amount of award
We provide 960 Euros for each journalist to cover their travel to Vienna and accommodation costs in Vienna during the high level UN meeting (11-12 March, 2009). Journalists awarded with our scholarship can decide how long they would like to stay in Vienna – we only request them to publish a report in the publication that assigned them. However, if needed, we provide help and technical assistance in finding accommodation and organizing interviews.
The deadline for applications is 1 March, 2009.
Where to send applications?
Applications should be sent to our email or to our postal address: 1084 Budapest Víg u. 28. 1/3. Hungary or fax: +36 1 279-0755
About HCLU
The Hungarian Civil Liberties Union (HCLU) is a non-profit human rights watchdog NGO established in Budapest, Hungary in 1994.
HCLU is a law reform and legal defence public interest NGO in Hungary, working independently of political parties, the state or any if its institutions. HCLU's aim is to promote the case of fundamental rights and principles laid down by the Constitution of the Republic of Hungary and by international conventions.
HCLU focuses on issues such as drug policy, HIV/AIDS, patients' rights, freedom of speech, privacy protection and freedom of information, also investigative journalism.
Generally, it has the goal of building and strengthening civil society and rule of law in Hungary and in the CEE region. Since HCLU is an independent non-profit organization, the financial resources are largely provided by foundations and inceasingly by individuals.
More info on our drug policy activities: www.drugreporter.net
If you have more questions please don’t hesitate to contact us!