Sergiu Grimalski is a person to whom thousands of people from all over the world owe their freedom, health, and life. For 16 years he has walked the streets of Berlin with a backpack on his shoulders, helping the people who are most marginalised – drug users and sex workers.
Today Sergiu continues saving these people, working in Berliner AIDS Hilfe. He speaks 10 languages, but most of the time he speaks Russian. His goal is to help migrants living with HIV in Berlin, a place where there are still so many people who need free healthcare, mental health support, and solutions to their social issues.
All those who come to Sergiu Grimalski have different destinies and life stories. Regardless, all these people have one thing in common: pain. Violence and prosecution are things of the past, but loneliness and despair are the present.
Sergiu accepts everyone with respect, sympathy, and attention. The doors of his office are always open, and nobody leaves it without a feeling of hope.