Video of the discussion forum at the CEU in Budapest with Wolfgang Reinicke (CEU), Sandeep Chawla (UNODC), Niamh Eastwood (Release), Martin Jelsma (TNI) and Kasia Malinowska-Sempruch (OSF).
Evo Morales at the CND in 2013
Watch the full speech of Evo Morales, president of Bolivia, at the Commission on Narcotic Drugs in Vienna, march 2013. Now with English and Spanish subtitles.
Drugs and Development: Punishing the Poor
Our video report from the panel discussion “Drugs and Development: Punishing the Poor”
The UN on Drugs: Trends in 2013
Our movie gives you an insight of the 2013 trends of international drug control policies
Support the Andrey Rylkov Foundation!
Supporting videos for the Andrey Rylkov Foundation.
The Innovative Regulation of Legal Highs in New Zealand
The HCLU interviewed Peter Dunne, the Minister of Revenue of New Zealand. He explained the innovative legislational approach his country has adopted to new psychoactive drugs
Children of the Bucharest Sewer System
We visited a street outreach program of ARAS, an NGO fighting HIV among the most vulnerable people of Romania
The War on Drugs in Mexico: Is There an Alternative?
Our latest movie provides an insight to the war on drugs in Mexico
The Drug War Undermines Security and Development – COUNT THE COSTS SERIES
Please watch and share the latest of our Count the Costs campaign movie serials!
HCLU Video Advocacy Training 2012 alumni are successfully making videos
The HCLU organised a video training in May 2012 to teach 14 harm reduction and drug policy activists how to use video in activism. Now we have selected some of the movies they have made.